The EDERA project has developed, implemented and demonstrated a series of real-time products with pan-European coverage to support decision-making during storms and heavy rainfall events. These products are organised into two main groups:

Storm Impact Nowcasts (0-3 hours):

  • Storm Hazard Nowcasts: Utilize radar nowcasting and machine learning to predict hail, lightning, precipitation, and wind gusts.
  • Storm Impact Nowcasts: Assess potential impacts by crossing estimated hazard levels with exposure data.
  • Urban Floods Nowcasts: Provide rapid assessments of potential flooding in urban areas.

Flash Flood Impact Forecasts (0-120 hours):

  • Probabilistic Precipitation Forecasts: Obtained blending radar-based nowcasts and Numerical Weather Prediction precipitation forecasts.
  • Flash Flood Hazard: Estimated by comparison with climatological thresholds.
  • Flash Flood Impact: Combine hazard data with exposure information to predict potential impacts.

Within EDERA, these products are available in real-time to support decision-making, alongside datasets commonly used by Civil Protection Authorities, such as official warnings, hydrometeorological forecasts, and exposure and vulnerability data. Additionally, EDERA has integrated tailored notifications for compound impact forecasting, enhancing the utility of these tools for end-users.

To support the EDERA demonstration, these developments have been made accessible through a web-based platform. This platform offers customized configurations for various end users levels—from local to regional and national—allowing integration of multiple products and user-configured notifications.

If you are a European end-user affected by storms and heavy rainfall events, and interested in a demonstration of the real-time EDERA products, you can request access to the EDERA platform.